My badging system has helped to bridge that gap with some of my middle school students. On my blog ( ) I have created over 100 articles and separated them into categories. Each blog post explains how a student can earn a "badge" for that post; opportunities range from reading an article and answering questions about it, to doing an art project, to solving a math problem.
3 Comments - I just went through a few of your blog posts ("We don't need no stinkin' badges," "Mayan Math" and a few others
I continue to focus on “making in-the-moment-decisions on how to respond to students with questions and prompts that probe, scaffold, and extend” (Principles to Actions, page 56). My next blog post will continue to follow the development of lessons around the two Mathematics Teaching Practices highlighted here
2 Comments - We will discuss this blog post on Twitter June 13, 2018 at 9 PM EDT
#ElementarySchool #blog #learn
4 Comments - Hello Amy Parks, I enjoyed reading your blog. I'm a student-teacher at the University of Houston, I’m about to graduate and one of the most important things I learned from my professor, Dr
Getting correct answers does not support conceptual understanding. We need to shift away from the practices of rewarding students whose learning style and personality are compatible with algorithms, following steps, and getting-answers. Getting answers does not support conceptual understanding...
3 Comments - I really appreciate the insights of this blog. I plan to use this blog in my math methods course to highlight how Emily reflected on her practices
If you have been following this blog series you now know more about units coordination , how it relates to fractions , and where it shows up in middle school concepts . ...(If not, here is a great blog series by Jen McAleer you should check out.)
By incorporating reflections as a classroom routine, I provide the foundation for students to develop into reflective learners. #MiddleSchool #blog #learn #reflection My path meanders With each turn, I find wisdom Reflect, learn, and grow
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Here are just a few ways my thinking has shifted. The first blog post in this series introduces an assessment tool for units coordination, and the second post focuses on the role of units coordination in fractions
To help students recognize their growth, I have them study their mistakes, analyze all their assessments at the end of each semester, and take reassessments to demonstrate their new understanding. In my first blog post, I mentioned that my students complete their assessments in two non-consecutive days
The square root of five Both irrational and real Will never be whole #MiddleSchool #blog #learn #reflection
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Teachers may choose to start a blog to reflect on their practice through the giving and receiving of feedback from other educators
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